Hello! My name is Lucia, I am 22 years old and I want to share with you my experience in the pool.
When I was 6 years old my mother signed me up for swimming lessons and at first I was very excited! But then one day my teacher gave us an exercise to swim alone under her supervision. It was when she let go of my hand and I fell to the bottom of the water; It was maybe a few seconds but I was very scared. I was sick for several days because I got poisoned by the chlorine from the water, but it wasn’t that bad compared to the fear of water that arose at that time.
It’s been about 15 years since I’ve been in a pool and gone no further than the edge of the ocean when I go to the beach. I had intentions in the past to resume classes but never came to trust a teacher enough to try again.
Some time ago I met Christina, a kind lady who owns several swimming pools called “Your personal swim coach” and she suggested that I take classes with them since they specialize in helping people who are afraid of water or who don’t dare to swim.
I have decided after all these years to accept his proposal and give it a new opportunity to the world of swimming
I know that this new experience will not be an easy path and that it will come with many emotions to face.
I had the idea of starting this blog to share my day-to-day experience with you and maybe be able to help others who have a fear similar to mine.
In conjunction with “Your personal swim coach” we will be sharing content from this adventure through this blog and on their social networks.
Are you ready to join us?
De Blinkerd in Den Haag, the location chosen for my first swimming lesson on sunday!